Carolyn Manning Designs
Leaving Soon
The Stitch Alongs
Big Bold Blooms and Nine Patches
Cross Stitch Quilt Collection
Cross Stitch Smalls
Dancing Through The Seasons
Flower A Day Collection
Garden Labyrinth Collection
Gnome Friends
Granny Square Fun
It Takes A Village Collection
Jane's Joy Collection
Magick and Mandalas
One Color Wonders
Quilting Bee Collection
Runner Rugs and Textiles
Shooting Stars and Broken Stars
Stained Glass
The Wreath Collection
Oopsie Pattern Errors
Find A Shop
The Snowballz were the very first designs I created some 15 years ago. I've decided to freshen them up for all of you, and revisit our friends from 2002-2007. Happy Snowy Stitching!